HVACR Account Executive at Wolseley Canada Inc. - Ontario
Board Member of Women In HVACR
Daphne spent the first 20 years of her career in the food and beverage industry. Here she honed her customer service, management, sales and business ownership skills.
Some of Daphne’s best traits come from years in the hospitality industry. She states ‘You see the full spectrum of behaviour and emotions. You learn to deal with the best and the worst of people, you do it with a smile and never let it get to you”
In 2011, after excelling in sales, service and entrepreneurship, knowing her skills were fully transferable, Daphne was ready for a new challenge in a new career. HVAC was exciting as she knew every homeowner in Ontario required heating and cooling equipment.
Daphne’s talents and natural ability to connect with people have allowed her to build a loyal client base and mentor fellow women in the industry. Her work with contractors provides them with increased margins and expanded market segments which in turn has led to referrals, excelled targets and budgets.
She has been involved with residential, commercial, financial sales as well as operations, marketing and dealing directly with the end-user and independent contractors.
Daphne assisted in the start-up of 3 HVAC finance companies.